Financial wellness solutions to improve mental health, financial health, employee loyalty, productivity, and retention

By Request Webinars

What’s my (net) worth?

Learn to become the Chief Financial Officer of your life

Private Booking

Money 101: Sorting out your finances

Learn the tools to transform your finances, stress less, and live more

Private Booking

Building your investment portfolio

Now that you understand the theory, this session is all about the practical.

Private Booking

Preparing for your dream retirement

Are your finances on track for the retirement you want?

Private Booking

How to make budgeting less boring

Learn to control your budget while still doing the things you love

Private Booking

R.I.P. Debt

Debt sucks. We get it. Let’s kick it to the curb together.

Private Booking

How to achieve financial freedom

Learn why it's more than just a trendy buzzword

Private Booking

Master your money mindset

Learn how to nurture your emotional & financial wellbeing

Private Booking

The yellow brick road to success

How to define success beyond numbers

Private Booking

Getting on the property ladder

Learn the ins and outs of property ownership

Private Booking

Real estate investing 101

Do you have what it takes to be a landlord?

Private Booking